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200 million skin cells

On average, humans shed about 200 million skin cells...PER HOUR

"It's just skin Steven." - The Cable Guy

Based on what I have seen, these studies could have been updated within the past few years. Primarily the interesting fact that drew me to this is most of our household dust is comprised of these shed dead skin cells. Even further interesting is that the America Chemical Society concluded that a skin oil called "squalene," naturally helps reduce indoor ozone levels up to 15 percent.

"Squalene in settled dust contributes, in a small way, to the indoor removal of ozone," reducing indoor ozone levels roughly 2 to 15 percent.

"More than half of the ozone removal measured in a simulated aircraft cabin was found to be a consequence of ozone reacting with exposed, skin, hair, and clothing of passengers."

Dust bunnies

Mostly comprised of dead skin cells

Going back to the initial number of 200 million lost skin cells, on average, a human can shed up to five thousand million (5 billion) skin cells in a 24-hour period. For visual reference - 5,000,000,000.

There are statistics that have been floating around suggesting dust bunnies are made up of around 80% dead skin cells. Newer studies suggest that number is actually much higher based on how much we shed.

And if it means that these dead skin cells contain squalene, can it also be concluded it is best to leave the dust bunnies to assist in your homes ozone? Probably the lazy science approach to encourage not cleaning is supposed to make you healthier. This is completely and categorically incorrect. Please don't take this sarcasm as truth. Please clean your house. Just know, even after you dust and vacuum, you've already shed 200-400 million more skin cells. Depending on how long you clean, and how many humans are in your house. I need to stop writing. I'm starting to gross myself out.