As technology continues to advance, social media platforms are constantly looking for new ways to ge...
"What do you read my lord?"
"Words, words, words."
Maybe this is a technological snafu due to using Uber Eats, or maybe it was a systemic failure throu...
"Nobody" is an action-thriller film that has taken the world by storm. The movie, directed byIlya Na...
UPDATE - This post was originally published 2.11.23 The Last of Us is a critically acclaimed video g...
Bad robot. No cookie for you. DISCLAIMER: This post was created by using anAI engine. With a few key...
This date shook the core of music and birthed the beginnings of the grunge scene into the mainstream...
I found the original Plants Vs. Zombies from Xbox 360 on Game Pass this weekend, and now my kids are...
This is something I had written a while back, and then shelved, similar to plenty of other works I h...
The first ever book review on Nobody New. "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*uck." I read the reviews...
Co-Creator of Mr. Show, funny man, Bob Odenkirk (more recently known for his roles in Breaking Bad a...
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