There has been some real problems with Google ads recently. Every few days or so, the ads get...
The Machine's Grip: How Technology Consumed Us Whole
The machines are here, they're taking over
We thought we'd control them, but it's over
Our phones are glued to our hands
We're addicted to their demands
The screens glow bright, the world fades away
We're hypnotized, we're led astray
Our bodies are here, but our minds are gone
Lost in the digital world we're drawn
We thought we'd be free, we thought we'd be kings
But the machines have clipped our wings
We've traded connection for convenience
We've lost touch with reality, our own grievance
We swipe and scroll, we like and share
We've given up our souls, we don't care
Our lives are curated, our identities sold
We're living in a matrix, or so we're told
The future is here, the robots are coming
Our fate is uncertain, it's all numbing
We've created a monster, we've lost control
Technology's taken over, it's swallowed us whole.