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So it begins...

I'm not a blogger. I enjoy writing, and it was always my dream to write the next great American novel. You know, the one all the high school kids are forced to read. Some do, some don't. It was my experience the majority of them didn't. Which shouldn't be surprising coming from a small mountain town. What should have been surprising is how many graduated, with honors. Then again, I may be projecting, because the majority of school, I didn't care about.

But I digress. This is the beginning of whatever this is. Maybe it's something, maybe it's nothing. I wanted an outlet to write about anything and everything I have going on. Maybe this is just the soapbox I need to gather the inspiration to chase the dream. Then again, I kind of feel like "Creed's Thoughts" where Ryan Howard opens a word document and tells Creed he's editing the internet.
